Thursday, December 24, 2009

A very merry Christmas to all!!

'Tis the season during which I normally "excuse" my gluttony as normal. It is after all "the HOLIDAYS". Even on the occasions where I was "seriously" dieting, I would suspend said diet in "honor" of any special day. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely think it's fine to have special treats for special occasions. If you're looking forward to a Christmas eve eggnog, by all means have one! It's not a sin to have a food treat. The problem comes in where "treat" turns into "binge".
As anyone who knows me can attest, I am definately a compulsive personality. I am also a bit of a perfectionist. If I'm going to do something ... I'm going to be the best damn-it. OK .... The piont here being.... I am having a mighty struggle with practicing "moderation". My brain "gets" it ... my "psyche".. not so much. Anywhoo I'm going to have a little eggnog... but I won't be using it to wash down... 12 butter cookies, 11 chewy date squares, 10 chocolate truffles, 9...... oh well, you get the idea.

Change of subject... sort of. I had my check up with my (bariatric) surgeon this week. My labs were all perfect...YAY! I am just 8 lbs from my personal goal of 148lbs. I would like to get there by my one year surgiversary feb 2nd. We'll see.

Enjoy the Holidays everyone!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Went to my christmas party at the Center for Weight Management and Bariatric Surgery "CWM" (AKA my support group). I got dressed up and put on a face and everything. I even wore a dress. I thought I looked kinda cute (for an old lady).
There were maybe 60-70 people there. Mostly post ops in various stages of their journey. There were also some long term post ops (2-6yrs) who don't usually come to the regular meetings. It was good to see people a few years out who are still working their tool and happy with their decision. This is not a "quick fix" people! You still have to WORK at it for the rest of your life.
I must admit to a few "swell my noggin" moments. Got a bunch of comments on how good I looked ;-) even a couple people wanted to know about my plastic surgery :-o (lol). I haven't had any. Just got lucky in the excess skin department(have some but not TOO bad).We just won't talk about the "chesticles" :-/.
It was pretty shocking to me how many people brought foods/snacks which were not only NOT bariatric friendly, but downright unhealthy for anyone. I made sugar free-fat free cheesecake bites. I even wrote out the recipe and the nut. stats. they came out to just 20 calories each... and yummy! I brought the extras to Chai's house since she's hosting a work party tonight(I always make too much).
OK enough typing for me!
Have a great day all.....

Friday, December 11, 2009

OK Me too

1. Who are you?
Ummm Pat
2. What is your current health/weight status?
I have some health challenges. Chronic fatigue, sleep apnea, asthma, dejenerative joint disease, peripheral neuropothy, spinal stenosis, myelopothy,IBS.... ad nausium. Weight wise though I'm pretty good. I've lost a total of 131lbs so far and have just 12lbs to goal.
3. What does being "healthy" mean to you?
To have a body which will do what I ask of it without having to weigh what I would like to do against the consequences.
4. What is your ultimate goal?
I would love to be able to get back to work. I would like to have enough stamina to lead a "normal" active life. I would really like to not be in a state of either preparing for or recovering from surgery. Oh... and no pain would be nice too.
5. What is the biggest obstacle on your way to your goal?
Darn genes. And fear.
6. Who or what do you look up to the most, in regards to your goals?
Chai and Fatty. Sorry about passing on the crappy genes guys. I admire your determination to do the best you can.
7. If you could take a magic potion, instead of working for it, would you?
Well i guess I'm looking for a magic potion that would allow me to work for it. So... yeah absolutely.
8. What do you look forward to the most?
Getting to and maintaining my goal weight. Finally having enough stuff "fixed" so that I can work out and be a "hot mamma"
9. What is the biggest lesson you've learned so far?
Wishing won't make it so. Not everything can be "fixed" so you need to do the best you can with what you've got.
10. Do you have any big rewards planned?
mmmmmm.... nope