Thursday, January 7, 2010


OK so I had my 6 week post op check up with my spine surgeon. The X-rays of my new neck look pretty cool. There's a 1X4" plate held in by 8 screws. One of the levels that he tried to fix was too far gone (the vertebra had fused together over the collapsed disc)so he was only able to get two of the discs out and replace them with bone grafts. It is all healing nicely. He did a really nice job with the incicion. The scar is already barely noticeable.

I was hoping he would release me to have my knee replacement, but he wants me to wait another six weeks. So I figure that if I have to wait anyway I may as well try to work on my stamina. I figure the better shape I'm in going into surgery, the easier the recovery will be. Right? Right!

So... I started on the treadmill last night. I haven't really tried it since losing weight... because of all the surgeries and basically all my "stuff". It went pretty well. I managed to do a quarter mile at 2 1/2 mph. I know it doesn't sound like much. But for me that's HUGE. As long as my knees cooperate I'll try to do a few minutes every day.