Thursday, November 26, 2009


* As of yesterday morning I have lost a total of 130lbs, 100of that has been in the last 9 1/2months! How crazy is thattt!!!
* I am officialy "normal"... not morbidly obese, not obese, not even overweight. I have not been a normal weight since... ummmm.... 1977... and not even all of "77" as I was preggers and chunked up pretty quick ;-)

SO... I am so very thankful for...
* Making the decision to go forward with the gastric bypass
* My FABULOUS surgeons who always manage to put me back together in better shape than they found me. Especially Dr Lapp who gave me back my legs.. I will forever be grateful.
*My wonderful husband who has proved that he really does love me through "thick and thin" ;-). The poor man didn't know what he was getting into when he married me. He has turned into the best nurse ever!
* My incredible kids. They have grown into the most amazing people. Caryn, so sweet so smart, hard-working,a loyal and supportive friend. I'm so happy she has a good husband who adores her. Bryan:Loving, caring, funny,devoted to his friends and family. I love that he has never(even as a teenager) been afraid to give his mom a hug in public. That he is openly devoted to his sisters and mom and dad. Shannon: my baby-girl Has turned into a very dear friend... I can't really say a bunch of mushy stuff because we are so much alike... it would be like tooting my own horn :-P.
I love you all bunches.
* my fabulous sister! The most creative, talented person I know. I am totally impressed with the way she has stepped up to the challenge of caring for our mother.
*My Mom I'm grateful that even with all of her challenges lately, she still has laughter in her days(thanks Deb).
* Emy my very bestest friend. Always listens. Makes me laugh. Makes me think.
*Melissa and Adam, My extra kids... also good friends I hope they know how much I
love them!

* My pups and the coop

that's about all the typing I can handle for now... everyone please enjoy the day and give the important people in your life a big hug!!


  1. Yeah, you better be mentioning the Coops! :-)

    I love YOU.

    Congrats on the big number... talk about CRAZY!
    You're the best :-)

  2. I'm thankful for you too!

    Yay for you!!!!! :)

  3. I wouldn't weigh what I do without your great cooking and care! Hell, I probably wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for you!!
    I'm really proud of you and hope to make you as proud someday!

    Love ya lots!
