Thursday, November 26, 2009


* As of yesterday morning I have lost a total of 130lbs, 100of that has been in the last 9 1/2months! How crazy is thattt!!!
* I am officialy "normal"... not morbidly obese, not obese, not even overweight. I have not been a normal weight since... ummmm.... 1977... and not even all of "77" as I was preggers and chunked up pretty quick ;-)

SO... I am so very thankful for...
* Making the decision to go forward with the gastric bypass
* My FABULOUS surgeons who always manage to put me back together in better shape than they found me. Especially Dr Lapp who gave me back my legs.. I will forever be grateful.
*My wonderful husband who has proved that he really does love me through "thick and thin" ;-). The poor man didn't know what he was getting into when he married me. He has turned into the best nurse ever!
* My incredible kids. They have grown into the most amazing people. Caryn, so sweet so smart, hard-working,a loyal and supportive friend. I'm so happy she has a good husband who adores her. Bryan:Loving, caring, funny,devoted to his friends and family. I love that he has never(even as a teenager) been afraid to give his mom a hug in public. That he is openly devoted to his sisters and mom and dad. Shannon: my baby-girl Has turned into a very dear friend... I can't really say a bunch of mushy stuff because we are so much alike... it would be like tooting my own horn :-P.
I love you all bunches.
* my fabulous sister! The most creative, talented person I know. I am totally impressed with the way she has stepped up to the challenge of caring for our mother.
*My Mom I'm grateful that even with all of her challenges lately, she still has laughter in her days(thanks Deb).
* Emy my very bestest friend. Always listens. Makes me laugh. Makes me think.
*Melissa and Adam, My extra kids... also good friends I hope they know how much I
love them!

* My pups and the coop

that's about all the typing I can handle for now... everyone please enjoy the day and give the important people in your life a big hug!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Still in one piece

Came home from the hospital yesterday. Feeling OK. I am taking some pain meds so I spend a fair amount of time sleeping. Sore throat, headache and killer muscle spasms in my upper back and shoulders. But overall I'm not feeling too bad. Hubby is taking very good care of me.
I guess I should explain what I had done, for anyone who doesn't know me. I have severe degenerative joint disease.... Which basically means my joints fall apart and get overgrown with bone spurs. In the past few years I've had a bunch of stuff repaired, removed and rebuilt. Knees, foot, shoulder and two lumbar fusions (with rods and screws) Then Monday I had yet another spinal fusion... this one was at C-4,5,6,7 where they went in and removed the bone spurs and the discs... replaced the disc spaces with bone grafts and then screwed a titanium plate over the whole thing to keep it stable while the bone grafts heal and grow into place.
When I've recovered a little more I'll start explaining my weight-loss journey which is the real purpose of this blog... Just got a bit side-tracked.....

time for some more meds..... ummm naptime... later... me

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Here I am...

OK ... Chai has been after me to start my own blog here....
SO... here i am!
I am Chai and Fatty's mom... and 2nd mom to Melissa and Adam... grandmamma to Chai (corgi), Zevon and Jaeger.

I have also been a chunker for all of my adult life. Until now.
I had Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Feb. 2nd, 2009. I have lost 128lbs so far... 30 before the surgery and 98 since.

I am a terrible typist so tend to avoid posting.... takes me f-o-r-e-v-e-r.
I will try to be better.
I am however having spine surgery tomorrow so I'll be starting out here with a break in the action ;-) .
I'll be back!